
Our Partnerships Help Bring Clients Vast Resources

CAMG is proud to partner with these leading attorney associations, trade shows, legal organizations, and Google in order to bring our clients a vast array of resources. If you would like to partner with CAMG, please contact us for more information.

CAMG partners with Dentity on Verify. Dentity is a global leader in digital identity, and their award-winning app is used by millions of consumers to verify their identity and build digital trust.

CAMG is proud to be recognized as a Google Partner in recognition for maximizing campaign success for our clients and driving growth for our law firm clients, delivering you a competitive advantage.

Mass Torts Made Perfect logo

CAMG is a proud partner of Mass Torts Made Perfect, the largest biannual gathering of plaintiff mass tort attorneys in the world. Steve Nober joins the top leadership of mass tort litigation as a regularly-scheduled speaker during MTMP’s Spectacular Spring and Fall conferences.

The National Trial Lawyers logo

CAMG supports National Trial Lawyers (NTL) and its mission to promote and acknowledge excellence in law. As a partner, we support and contribute to NTL’s important programs, including the Trial Lawyers Summit, Top 40 Under 40 Trial Academy Boot Camp, Mass Torts Made Perfect, and The Lanier Trial Academy Master Class, as well as Trial Lawyer Magazine.

Harris Martin Publishing logo

CAMG is proud to partner with Harris Martin Publishing in their aim to bring CLE-certified conferences in the mass tort litigation practice areas.

Legal Marketing Association logo

CAMG is proud to partner with the Legal Marketing Association and supports the LMA’s mission of providing resources to attorneys.

CAMG is a “Big As Texas” Partner of the The Lanier Trial Academy, an annual intensive 2-day trial academy exclusively for plaintiffs’ lawyers, led by accomplished trial attorney Mark Lanier.

Personal Injury Lawyers Marketing & Management Association logo

CAMG is proud to partner with the Personal Injury Lawyers Marketing & Management Association and to support PILMMA’s mission of providing marketing resources to personal injury and disability law practices.

Perrin Conferences logo

CAMG is a proud partner with Perrin Conferences and supports their efforts to provide professional litigation education and networking for Plaintiff and Defense attorneys, in-house counsel, insurance professionals, consultants, and judges.

Master of Mass Tort logo

CAMG is proud to join the exclusive list of sponsors invited to participate in this biannual must-attend conference and networking opportunity for attorneys interested in mass tort litigation. Steve Nober joins top mass tort leadership members on the faculty of Masters of Mass Tort.

Women En Mass logo

CAMG is proud to support Women En Mass. Founded by Aimee Wagstaff of Andrus Wagstaff, Women En Mass brings together exemplary female mass tort attorneys to discuss issues that impact women for an annual retreat.

HB Litigation Conferences logo

CAMG is a proud partner of HB Litigation Conferences, a premier provider of professional development programs and conferences in Mass Torts and Product Liability, and other areas, as well as content and networking.

The A-List logo

As a board member of The A-List, Steve Nober and CAMG support the annual published list of Top 10 Advertisers in the legal industry per market, as well as the Top 50 AD-List of legal advertisers in the nation.

Is your firm in the Top 3 of Google Search?

Our comprehensive SEO program is designed to get you in the Top 3 Google Search results and keep you there. Contact us today for a complimentary audit and review.

CAMG Ethics White Paper

Now more than ever, ethics count. “A Lawyer’s Ethics Obligations When Participating in a Lead Generation Program,” authored by a team of ethics and compliance attorneys, is continuously updated with the latest rules.

Are you looking for data-driven marketing for your law firm?

As a full-service agency, CAMG handles everything from marketing and creative to support your law firm needs to operate campaigns at the maximum efficiency.


Marketing Agency Dedicated to Law Firms

  • Television
  • Radio
  • Public Relations
  • Medical Record Retrieval & Review
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Paid Digital
  • Out of Home
  • Intake & Contracting Services
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